Tobacco smoke is one of the top global causes of premature death. This includes both tobacco smokers themselves as well as individuals who experience second-hand smoke. In 2008, to help countries manage tobacco control domestically, the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control provided foundational MPOWER measures (Monitor tobacco use, Protect from tobacco smoke, Quit tobacco use, Warning about the dangers of tobacco, Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, Raise taxes on tobacco) that could be implemented with the intention of reducing tobacco demand. Interested in the actual impact these measures had on tobacco demand, I created a visual model displaying data on deaths attributed to tobacco smoking (per 100K people) and four of the six aforementioned intervention measures to reduce tobacco demand for 15 countries. The countries included are the top 15 in deaths attributed to tobacco smoking per 100K people (in 2007) with a population exceeding 30 million people (in 2018). Anti-tobacco mass media campaigns data is incorporated as well, which is separate from the "Warning about the dangers of tobacco" measure, referring to warnings on tobacco product packaging.